vessel element
- 导管分子

Evolutional structure study of vessel element on different evolvement type of glycine
Breach experiment research of vessel element structure models subjected to underwater contact explosion
Observation and Study on the Vessel Element and Perforation Plate of Secondary Xylem in Avocado
Both ends of the vessel element were scalariform perforation plates ;
The Type and Evolution of Vessel Element ' Perforation Plate of Vaccinium uliginosum
With the increase of relative humidity , both length and diameter of vessel element increased , as well as the frequency of rays .
Perforation plates could be divided into 4 types : both ends of the vessel element as multiple perforation plates with 2 simple perforations ;
By the aid of universal microscope , changes on the shape of vessel element and wood fibre of basswood was observed after the pretreatment .
No significant differences in tangential and radial width of cambial fusiform cell , length of vessel element , ratio of fiber and ray tissue were found among different stages .
And the activity of PAL coincided with the increasing tendency of the numbers of vessel element in the plumular axis or juvenile stem of robinia and its degree of lignification as well .
Isolating the stem secondary xylem of the seedling , the results revealed that its cellular form have wood fiber , septate wood fiber and vessel element , there are two types of perforation plate , simple perforation plate and scalariform perforation plate .
Variance analysis shown that the difference of fiber length , vessel element length and microfibrillar angle between juvenile wood and mature wood were significant , but the difference of the rest fiber morphological parameters , the rest vessel morphological parameters and proportion of wood tissues were not significant .
Stress Analysis of Part of Reaction Vessel with Finite Element Program
Numerical Calculation of Vibration and Shock Response of a Large Naval Vessel by 3D-Finite Element Method
Optimization Design of Large High Pressure Vessel Based on Finite Element Analysis
The Stress Analysis of Vessel Flange with Definite Element
An approach is proposed for calculating the nonlinear dynamic response of deepwater drilling risers subjected to random wave and vessel motion with finite element solver ABAQUS / Aqua in time domain .
The stress analyses were made of the rectangle big-opening nozzles with and without internal elongation on the shell of an internal pressure vessel using 3D finite element method , and the stress distribution law between the nozzle location was derived .
By considering the contact between the teeth and utilizing the face to face contact model with contact element and coulomb friction model , the author had developed a method for design of tooth-locked quick actuating pressure vessel based on finite element stress analysis and stress categorization .